DEF CON's silver anniversary was a blast of new friends, old friends, and everyone in between. The people I see every year are what keep me coming back to hot, sweaty Vegas each summer.
So what better way to celebrate DEF CON's silver anniversary than with some Silvers shoutouts? In no particular order, here are some words for 25 amazing people I got to see this year in Vegas:
David (@dualcoremusic) — Great seeing you at the DC801 party. Thanks for the set. Hope you enjoy your Mr. Robot badge.

Jayson Street (@jaysonstreet) — Enjoyed your talk at the SE Village! Was great seeing you afterwards, too. Thanks for the tip on using a VR headset, part of my standard flight kit.
Chris Hadnagy (@humanhacker) — Thanks for including my family with yours. Sounds like our daughters, and now wives, really hit it off. Not sure if that’s good or bad. :)
Andrew Hay (@andrewsmhay) — Great meeting you at the ReconVillage. Would love to hear more about your research into Graph Theory for OSINT. Hit me up sometime in the coming weeks, let's talk!

Chris Roberts (@Sidragon1) — Thanks for being "a regular guy" and inviting us to Hacker Halted. We look forward to seeing you in Atlanta!

Taylor Banks (@taylorbanks) — Great seeing my vagabond buddy. Hug Beth for all of us, and let us know when you swing by "home," aka ATL.
Sherrod Degrippo (@sherrod_im) — Great meeting and having dinner with you. Hope to see you at the next DC404 meeting. In the meantime, let me know if I can be of any help.

Elizabeth Wharton (@lawyerliz) — Sorry we didn’t get to hang out. Still interested in getting Kris and Hannah on the show to share experiences!
Tracy Maleef (@infosecsherpa) — Great meeting you, and enjoyed your talk. Really appreciate your humility and commitment to the community.

Andy Green (@secprofgreen) — Sorry we didn’t get to hang out more. Looking forward to catching up at the next DC404 meeting.
Shane Macdougall (@tactical_intel) — Good talking with you at the Recon Village. Enjoyed your forward-thinking talk, and appreciate the shoutout!
Beau Woods (@beauwoods) — Thanks for taking time out of your con to talk. Let us know the next time you're in ATL.
April Wright (@aprilwright) — Congrats again on your BH talk, and good luck on the upcoming trip to China. I'm sure Jayson will take good care of you. Hope to see you soon on our next trip to Boston.
Rachel Tobac (@RachelTobac) — As a three-time contestant, I'm glad to see that you're staying positive with the SECTF. Thanks for trying out the 'you called me' scenario. Regardless of ultimate outcome, it showed a lot of courage and impressed everyone. Hope to see you sooner than next DC.

Trevor (@SkyDogCon) — Thoroughly enjoyed the time we had, and hope to see you at SDC7. Great meeting Michelle as well. She has a good effect on you.
Danny Howerton (@metacortex) — Enjoyed hanging out at the party and otherwise. Hope to do more projects together in the very near future.
Chris Kirsch (@chris_kirsch) — Way to rock the SECTF! Appreciate the shoutout on pretexts and want to hear more call details when we see you in Boston soon. The Chris is strong!

Michele Fincher (@SultryAsian) — Thanks for being the awesome you and such a great role model for Hannah, Amaya, and all young women starting out in security. Thoroughly enjoyed the talk and appreciate the research that went into it.
Karl Sigler (@ksigler) — Great to hear things are going well. Please let me know if I can be of any help.
Evan Davidson (@pentestfail) — Always great seeing you, buddy. Definitely enjoyed the "nerd chat" about badges and look forward to seeing you at upcoming DC404 meetings and meeting for lunch at our usual place.
Brian Phillips (@BrianRPhillips) — Looking forward to the "Badge Hacking 101" sessions at DC404 meetings. Hope you made it back to ATL safely. Please let me know if I can be of any help.
James Smith (@ynots0ups) — Great running into you at HallCon. Sorry we couldn’t hang out longer. Thanks for the advice on a DC404 party at DC next year.
Ben Feinstein (@pbr90x) — Thanks for the advice on the internet of Big Green Egg (IOBGE). Bring that little boy to the next DC404 meeting! He could be our youngest member!
John Dunning (@r0wnin) — So glad things are working out for you in Asia-Pac and glad we got to hang out. Let me know what fun things you discover with the Mr. Robot badge.
Mark Wolfgang — Glad you were able to carve out time to make DC. Enjoyed our lunch, especially learning about your nutrition and exercise program. Look forward to opportunities to go hiking.
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